Ghosts...What exactly is a ghost?
Ghosts...What exactly is a ghost?
Before you can understand what an entity consists
of, you need to understand a bit about the human body of the living person.
Everything you do, see, hear, taste, feel, etc. is controlled by electrical impulses sent to your brain from your body's
different parts or from your brain to your different body parts.
For example:> Right now as you are reading this
webpage, an electrical impulse is going from your eyes to your brain carrying
the information your eyes are seeing. As you scroll down this page your brain
is sending electrical impulses to your hand to move your mouse, etc...
Since all these systems are controlled by
electrical impulses the electricity has to go somewhere. It is a general law of
physics that energy cannot be destroyed, so where does the energy go when
your body shuts down?
It is released into the atmosphere.
When a person dies a slow or natural death the
energy is released more slowly and in a less concentrated state than if a
person were to die a sudden or violent death. This is why I believe hospitals are
not the most haunted places even though more deaths occur in them than anywhere
2. Another theory I have been tossing around for some
time now is what makes certain locations more likely to have a ghost than
others. I believe it all boils down to electromagnetic fields trapping the
energy that is released at time of death.
For example...everyone has heard of at least one
haunted theatre in the area they live.
Theatres are huge electromagnetic fields, they have
high voltage electrical systems in them to support the sound and lighting equipment that is used for their shows. Theatres
used to be very dangerous places to work at one time. It was very easy to have
a lighting rig fall down on someone and kill them, and it was also easy for someone to fall from a catwalk that is high
above the stage. The ingredients were all there for a sudden and violent death. When that occurred, from time to time the
energy that was released from the victim's body was trapped by the much
stronger electromagnetic field and you now have a ghost.
One of the tools we use for paranormal research is
an EMF meter. These meters are designed to measure changes in electromagnetic
energy. Many times while investigating a haunting we have discovered very high levels of electromagnetic
energy present. Alot of times this is caused by high voltage electrical systems
or by old wiring. Both will create an electromagnetic field.
There is a strong possibility that despite the
theories of some other researchers it is not the ghost that causes the electromagnetic energy, but it is the
electromagnetic energy that causes the ghost or enables the ghost to manifest by using that energy.
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