In my course of research on Indian Belief System

In my course of research on Indian belief system about spirits and ghosts, I found out that various schools of thoughts exist in Indian society, about the concept of ghosts among believers. Some believe that, people experience paranormal phenomena because of the weak planetary positions in their astrological horoscope. Some believe that it is all the result of karma, while most of the people also believe that chanting mantras can keep evil spirits away. People often wonder whom to believe, and whom not. But one thing that becomes clear after hearing all the stories and views of thousands of people that I have met during 3 years of myresearch in India, that they all are right! How? It is because in most of the haunting cases,‘belief’ is the main ghost. And it is only belief that can get you rid of any problems in life, suchas evil ghosts. With this, I don’t mean to say that genuine paranormal cases do not exist.They do. But however, in every case, ultimately it is only your ‘belief’ and direct intention by which, you can keep any evil away from yourself; by whatever it takes you believe in yourself and feel stronger than any evil.

Indian Astrologers & Their Beliefs
I worked for several months to interview many Astrologers, Tantriks, Priests, Maulvis, and
Pandits in India to learn about their beliefs in ghosts. I was amazed to learn that most of
them considered ghosts as evil, and with malevolent intentions.
Astrologers however defined that people only experience ghosts when their planetary
alignment in horoscope is not right. They believe that only those people experience ghosts
who have the following characteristics in their horoscope:
In First Yoga – First Yoga- If there is a Rahu (Dragon’s head) and moon in 5th house. And the
5th and 9th house belongs to weak planets. In Second yoga – if any planet among Saturn,
Rahu, Ketu (Dragon’s tail), or Mars is in 7th house. In the third yoga- if there is a conjunction
of Saturn, Mars, and RahuIf a person belongs to ‘Manushya Yoni’, his or her chances to be
troubled by ghosts are fair. Etc. People belonging to ‘Rakchhas-Yoni’, can see ghosts, but
ghosts cannot trouble them.
Hindu astrologers also believe that the most powerful mantra to get rid of any evil spirit is
dedicated to lord Hanuman (The monkey God of India). Many astrologers and common
people believe that ‘Hanuman-Chalisa’ is the most powerful tool to be protected from evil
Some Hindu astrologers believe that Lord Shiva is the king of all spirits, so ‘Om namah
shivay’ is the ultimate mantra for protection from evil spirits. While another set of belief exist
among Hindu Astrologers that Lord Shiva being the King of the Ghost world, can make the
spirit stronger if you chant this mantra of ‘Om Namah Shivay’.

In India, among Hindu society of spiritual believers, it is believed that there are different
kinds of ghosts and their class can be recognized by the way they affect a person’s behavior,
as following:

Human Spirit (Bhoot) : When human spirits or ghosts possess a person, the later gains
tremendous physical strength, has red eyes, can speak like a genius regardless of his or her
education, and has a shivering body in fever.

Pishach (Malevolent Inhuman Spirit): A person affected by pishach becomes weak and
always use filthy language. He or she never hesitates to get naked. Lives untidily and stinks.
Remains always hungry and wants to live in seclusion. He or she sometimes screams or
cries without reason.

Yakshas (A benevolent inhuman spirit): People affected by yakshas start taking deep
interest in red color and red clothes. They speak slowly and mostly talk with their eyes.

Pretas (Ghosts of Hindu men who died by violence): People troubled/possessed by a prêt
shout in pain, cry, howl, and run without purpose. They stop eating, become rude, and
breathe rapidly.

Shakini (ghosts of married women who died in early stages of their marriage):Shakinis
usually trouble married women or girls with high sex drive. A women possessed by Shakini
has unexplainable pain in entire body including eyes every time. She faints very often; Shes
shivers in pain and cry.

Churail/Kicchin/Jinnat/Apsara/Yakshini/Mohini (Lilith/Succubus):They usually affect young
men. The person affected by these spirits is always smiling, looks lost in his imagination,
seeks seclusion, always want to eat flesh, and is attracted to red color objects. He gradually
loses all his health and looks weak.

Jinns/Shaitaan/Brahm-Pishach (Genie, Malevolant/Benevolant Inhuman Spirits): This again
goes with the religious beliefs of the people. But there have been many cases where an
Islamic Jinn has possessed a Hindu person. Or a Hindu spirit has possessed a Muslim
person. However, people affected by negative inhuman entities are roaring all the time, have
heavy and manly voice, they keep twisting their limbs, have their eyes popped out, tongues
stretched out, and they are sometimes violent. They always speak about killing or asking to
fulfill their demands. They also shake their heads rapidly in to and fro direction for hours in
Trans. On the other hand, if a person is possessed by a benevolent jinn or spirit; he smiles all
the time, predicts accurate future of the people, read people’s mind, and sometimes rock
their head in a circular motion for several hours, in Trans.

Indian Tantrics
Tantrics are the people who have studied Tantra. Tantra is knowledge of three elements-
(Tan) Plentiful and quality matter, principles of reality (Tattva) and sacred mantras, and
knowledge to attain (Tra) Salvation. India has no dearth of people who are trained in tantric
knowledge. If you read any B-grade news paper in India, or look around on the streets, you
can easily find advertisement of some Bangali Tantric baba or the people who claim to get
you rid of any problems in life. I have personally met the finest of the people who have sound
knowledge in tantra, to the meanest of fake tantrics who do not even know what tantra
stands for. I would say that 95% of the 200 tantrics I have met in life were bogus.

Modus Operandi
Most of the Indian Tantrics have many modi-operandi to get their clients in control. Most of
them are not tantrics, but good psychologists and hypnotists. They know how to play with a
client’s psychology to make sure that clients need them always.
They read people’s mind. Well, there is nothing magical reading people’s mind. We all project
what we have in our minds every time by our body language, voice tone, eyes, words, hand
movements, and gesture. If you are good at noticing things, you can read people’s mind very
Their first step to impress a client is done by their strong guessing work. They guess from
their client’s behavior about what kind of problems one might be troubled with. Of course
they can read; they meet so many people with same expressions on their faces with similar
problems every day.


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