
Showing posts from December, 2019

Glossary of Paranormal Terms

1. Agent – A living person who is the focus of poltergeist activity. 2. Amulet - An object that is thought to bring good luck or have the power to protect from ghosts or spirits and ward off evil. 3. Apparition - a spectral image of a person that materializes even though a physical body is not present. 4. Apport – A physical object that can materialize and appear at will in the presence of a medium. 5. Asport – A physical object that a spirit teleports to another location or makes disappear. 6. Astral Body – The body that a person occupies during an out-of-body experience. 7. Astral Plane – A world that is believed to exist above our physical world. 8. Astral Projection – The intentional act of having the spirit leave the body, whereas an out-of-body experience will happen involuntarily. 9. Astrology - The theory and practice of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and hu...